Posts tagged nutrition
After 22 years in nutrition ,here are 22 truths

After 22 years of diet research/review here is Prevail's Nutrition Philosophy #21 is a game changer

1. There are no good or bad foods

2. Eat a salad every day.

3. Exercise is not punishment for food

4. You never have to remove food unless it causes inflammation

5. Cheat meals aren't a thing

6. You do not have to drink a gallon of water a day; you do need water every day

7. Supplements are fine as long as they aren't Herbalife.

8. You don't have to count calories unless you like to.

9, All that matters for weight loss are CICO.

10. Food is not a reward for exercise

11. Food timing is entirely up to the individual. It doesn't matter.

12. Elimination diets are great if you are trying to learn about inflammatory foods

13. Diet teas/detoxes are bullshit

14. you do not have to meal prep unless you like to

15. Carbs aren't bad

16. Fat isn't bad

17. You can't eat too much protein

18. Six week challenges create more harm than good

19. You don't have to give up booze/soda

20. body type diets are bullshit, blood type diets are bullshit.

21. it's never appropriate to make a comment about how/what someone else is eating.

Which one do you agree with the most? Which one do you disagree with?


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