5 factors of fat loss


Have you met your body composition goals?


" my strength and confidence have skyrocketed but my......."

" weight hasn't changed"
" I haven't lost the inches"
" I don't think the mirror is changing"
" inbody hasn't really changed"


Does this sound famaliar?


before we move into the actionable steps to make a body comp change, are we accurately assessing?


Have we taking before and after pictures? are we taking them every 4 weeks?


Are we getting on the scale randomly or at the same time of day/week consistently?


Are we consistently showing up for you quartely check-ins?


Are we stepping on the inbody weekly and looking at monthly trends?


" we don't know where we are going if we don't know where we have come from"


if we rely on our feelings or random data, we could be reacting to something that's completely innacurate.  


Step 1 is to gather repeateable data! the inbody is hands down the best tool for body composition results. we have to get on the inbody weekly no matter what. Doesn't matter if we have a "good" or "bad" week.  


Now , the prevail system controls 3 hours of your week. this is why we focus on a whollistic approach to fitness. we anchor strength and muscle training as an achor to the system. this is why students continue to see strength and confidence gains. 


the other 165 hours a week determine our body composition.  


its the hard truth. yes the prevail style of workouts can build muscle but no workout burns fat. The time outside of the gym burns fat.


Calories burned during exercise account for less than 15% of bunred calories throughout the day. we cannot rely on exercise alone.  


Energy in over energy out ultimately play a role in body composition.  


here are the 5 major fat loss factors outside of the studio


1.Stress management- if we are overly stressed our body will be hesistant to move fat

2.sleep- if you body isn't recovering, it won't release fat.

3. daily movement- do we take the stairs? Do we park far away ? do we walk daily? do we sit at a desk all day? do we play with our kids? do we work on the yard?

4.resting metabolic rate- how much does our body burn at rest? this is determined by our ratio of muscle/fat. the more muscle muscle the bigger engine

5.Nutrition- how much energy do we consume? 

6.water- half our body weight in ounces ?

outside of the studio these 5 factors make up 85% of fat loss,that's a bunch. 


of these 6, you can control 5 of them. 


5 of them daily anyways. R.M.R. is built in the studio and is a long term project. 


Stress, sleep, movement, nutrition, water


we can attempt to control S.S.M.N.W. we can definetly track them. 


guess which one is the most important? 


trick question, they are all equally important. 


Do I work on breathing techniques or resets for my stress?
Do i have a consistent bed time routine?
Do I walk daily?
Do I use portion control and 80/20 principle day in and day out?
Do I drink any water?


which one(s) do i excel at? Which one(s) need some real work?


Lets assume you 

Prevail 3x a week
walk 30 minutes every day
go to bed around the same time every night
manage stress levels under 7/10
drink 80+ ounces of water
Now the LAST piece is nutrition. 


"what do I eat?"


step 1 - Eat at least 100grms of protein a day
step 2 - never eat to full
step 3 - stay at hunger level 5-7 


That's it


Now, if that's normal.


Then we can get into portion control, macros, and calorie counting. 


Use your P.N. calorie/portion guide from powerpack. Stick to it as strictly as possible for two weeks. Step on inbody every week and show an instructor your data. 


We will give you suggestions on tweaks to help improve progress.


How do Nutrition/habits coaching play into this process?
How does confidently strong or confidently bro help this process?

they create a feedback system and accountability. we take all the above information and determine your next step. Then we keep you on top of that task with a daily check-in and weekly assessment. 


Confidently strong launches on sept 12th 



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