Death and co

"I don't want a long life; I want a good life"......F that. I want to live a long, extraordinary life.

I don't think enough people have had near-death experiences; we haven't had to wake up. I have had a few moments, "well, this is it." But the most impactful near-death experience was the death of a friend (student/mentor).

He was 48 and thriving, widely successful yet very humble. He was living his best life—traveler, explorer, humanitarian, father, investor, businessman, and stoic. I trained him for a couple of years, and he always talked about taking full advantage of everything in front of you. He tragically passed away, saving his dogs from a frozen pond.

At his funeral, the pamphlets had the quote "buy the ticket take the ride."

This quote was from a famous writer - Hunter S Thompson.

"No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride…and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well…maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten."

Read that again

This funeral was way out in the middle of the panhandle, texas, his hometown. There were hundreds and hundreds of people in attendance. This quote of "buy the ticket, take the ride" influenced his relationships.

That next week Dani and I sat on a computer at 4 am waiting on a lottery camping reservation. one of those bucket list places that you may only get to see once in a lifetime. we didn't have the money for travel or the ability to take time off. His funeral service pamphlet was on the desk next to the computer.

And guess what happens?

The only reservation we could reserve was the weekend of our anniversary seven months later. We saved the money and hired a trainer to cover our shifts.

Sitting idly by is not a life
Making excuses for mediocrity is not a life
passing through with a passive purpose is not a life

Taking risks - getting uncomfortable- putting our egos and fears into a blender is not easy.

The language we speak precursor to our legendary life.

The actions we take, launch us into extraordinary lives.

Death comes for everyman; it is inevitable.

The depth and density of our lives are in our own hands.

Maybe you don't need a near-death experience. Perhaps you need a near-to-life experience.

Imagine a life of unique experiences; imagine decades of unforgettable experiences. Imagine a life of nothing magical.

Death could call your name in the next 48 hrs; death could come knocking in 48 years.

How will I create a life that's full of several lifetimes of stories?

Sean ShearonComment