best rep range for lean muscle

I've studied exercise science for a long time, like 20 years

high reps DO NOT CREATE long lean muscles!
low reps DOES NOT MEAN you get "bulky"
medium reps don't qurantee hypertrophy gains

you can get way stronger without any scale changes
you can also get way weaker with scale changes

if you want the most out of your training, you need a varying rep /load AND volume/intensity

NUTRITION/HABITS DICTATE how lean someone appears

Prevail doesn't create sessions out of randomness or just to burn calories. there's a few why's deep behind everything we do

83% of our sessions a Muscle/strength focused with 17% focusing on interval based conditioning

we suggest the rest of cardio is steady state or moderate intensity and on your own. that's not our job in the studio.

our job is to get people lifting safely and effectively all while doing it with like minded individuals

do our values align?

Prevail obviously has a very unique belief in fitness. no one is doing strength training like usbut what about culture, what about values?Below are the Prevail principles that guide our shipDo you resonate with this list? we would love to know your favorite

1. Always a student - mastery of self is grounded in the foundation of continued education. a white belt mindset that we are never truly a master but are always eager to learn

2. Be adventurous - willing to take risks and new ideas - exploring not the the outdoors but the uncomfortable.

3. positive mental attitude- Opportunity based perspective- the whiskey glass is always full. ( this headspace is tough to practice)

4. Take ownership - growth mindset that wins and faults are our own. be humble in victory and gracious in defeat

5. System/structure - strength is a system build on structure- principles and framework build skyscrapers.

6. "Spirited" = equal parts sugar and spice - raw and unedited - a cocktail of spice,sarcasm, and smiles

7. Against the grain - be the rebel - ahead of the curve- above status quothese 7 principles have built the machine that is Prevail and are the driving force behind all progress with our students

What's your favorite? are you attracted or turned off by this list?no wrong answers here

Sean ShearonComment
Death and co

"I don't want a long life; I want a good life"......F that. I want to live a long, extraordinary life.

I don't think enough people have had near-death experiences; we haven't had to wake up. I have had a few moments, "well, this is it." But the most impactful near-death experience was the death of a friend (student/mentor).

He was 48 and thriving, widely successful yet very humble. He was living his best life—traveler, explorer, humanitarian, father, investor, businessman, and stoic. I trained him for a couple of years, and he always talked about taking full advantage of everything in front of you. He tragically passed away, saving his dogs from a frozen pond.

At his funeral, the pamphlets had the quote "buy the ticket take the ride."

This quote was from a famous writer - Hunter S Thompson.

"No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride…and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well…maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten."

Read that again

This funeral was way out in the middle of the panhandle, texas, his hometown. There were hundreds and hundreds of people in attendance. This quote of "buy the ticket, take the ride" influenced his relationships.

That next week Dani and I sat on a computer at 4 am waiting on a lottery camping reservation. one of those bucket list places that you may only get to see once in a lifetime. we didn't have the money for travel or the ability to take time off. His funeral service pamphlet was on the desk next to the computer.

And guess what happens?

The only reservation we could reserve was the weekend of our anniversary seven months later. We saved the money and hired a trainer to cover our shifts.

Sitting idly by is not a life
Making excuses for mediocrity is not a life
passing through with a passive purpose is not a life

Taking risks - getting uncomfortable- putting our egos and fears into a blender is not easy.

The language we speak precursor to our legendary life.

The actions we take, launch us into extraordinary lives.

Death comes for everyman; it is inevitable.

The depth and density of our lives are in our own hands.

Maybe you don't need a near-death experience. Perhaps you need a near-to-life experience.

Imagine a life of unique experiences; imagine decades of unforgettable experiences. Imagine a life of nothing magical.

Death could call your name in the next 48 hrs; death could come knocking in 48 years.

How will I create a life that's full of several lifetimes of stories?

Sean ShearonComment
5 factors of fat loss


Have you met your body composition goals?


" my strength and confidence have skyrocketed but my......."

" weight hasn't changed"
" I haven't lost the inches"
" I don't think the mirror is changing"
" inbody hasn't really changed"


Does this sound famaliar?


before we move into the actionable steps to make a body comp change, are we accurately assessing?


Have we taking before and after pictures? are we taking them every 4 weeks?


Are we getting on the scale randomly or at the same time of day/week consistently?


Are we consistently showing up for you quartely check-ins?


Are we stepping on the inbody weekly and looking at monthly trends?


" we don't know where we are going if we don't know where we have come from"


if we rely on our feelings or random data, we could be reacting to something that's completely innacurate.  


Step 1 is to gather repeateable data! the inbody is hands down the best tool for body composition results. we have to get on the inbody weekly no matter what. Doesn't matter if we have a "good" or "bad" week.  


Now , the prevail system controls 3 hours of your week. this is why we focus on a whollistic approach to fitness. we anchor strength and muscle training as an achor to the system. this is why students continue to see strength and confidence gains. 


the other 165 hours a week determine our body composition.  


its the hard truth. yes the prevail style of workouts can build muscle but no workout burns fat. The time outside of the gym burns fat.


Calories burned during exercise account for less than 15% of bunred calories throughout the day. we cannot rely on exercise alone.  


Energy in over energy out ultimately play a role in body composition.  


here are the 5 major fat loss factors outside of the studio


1.Stress management- if we are overly stressed our body will be hesistant to move fat

2.sleep- if you body isn't recovering, it won't release fat.

3. daily movement- do we take the stairs? Do we park far away ? do we walk daily? do we sit at a desk all day? do we play with our kids? do we work on the yard?

4.resting metabolic rate- how much does our body burn at rest? this is determined by our ratio of muscle/fat. the more muscle muscle the bigger engine

5.Nutrition- how much energy do we consume? 

6.water- half our body weight in ounces ?

outside of the studio these 5 factors make up 85% of fat loss,that's a bunch. 


of these 6, you can control 5 of them. 


5 of them daily anyways. R.M.R. is built in the studio and is a long term project. 


Stress, sleep, movement, nutrition, water


we can attempt to control S.S.M.N.W. we can definetly track them. 


guess which one is the most important? 


trick question, they are all equally important. 


Do I work on breathing techniques or resets for my stress?
Do i have a consistent bed time routine?
Do I walk daily?
Do I use portion control and 80/20 principle day in and day out?
Do I drink any water?


which one(s) do i excel at? Which one(s) need some real work?


Lets assume you 

Prevail 3x a week
walk 30 minutes every day
go to bed around the same time every night
manage stress levels under 7/10
drink 80+ ounces of water
Now the LAST piece is nutrition. 


"what do I eat?"


step 1 - Eat at least 100grms of protein a day
step 2 - never eat to full
step 3 - stay at hunger level 5-7 


That's it


Now, if that's normal.


Then we can get into portion control, macros, and calorie counting. 


Use your P.N. calorie/portion guide from powerpack. Stick to it as strictly as possible for two weeks. Step on inbody every week and show an instructor your data. 


We will give you suggestions on tweaks to help improve progress.


How do Nutrition/habits coaching play into this process?
How does confidently strong or confidently bro help this process?

they create a feedback system and accountability. we take all the above information and determine your next step. Then we keep you on top of that task with a daily check-in and weekly assessment. 


Confidently strong launches on sept 12th 



Sean ShearonComment
how often should I workout?

"How often do I need to work out?"

Great question; first, let's answer some other questions

  1. what is your goal?

  2. What are you doing right now?

  3. How much time can you commit with 80% confidence

  4. how often do you enjoy working out?

  5. What's your social/work/family schedule?

  6. When do you want to achieve that goal?

These are a handful of questions to ask yourself, helping us paint a picture of where you are and where you want to go.

We know that acquiring 180 minutes a week of aerobic work and 180 minutes of resistance training should be the ultimate end goal. These 360 minutes will create the most robust, capable, healthy, and lean human.  

We also know that exercising for 20 minutes 2x a week is highly effective when doing zero minutes of exercise a week.

Anything and everything in the middle of those two options may be an excellent solution for you as an individual. 

A sit-down conversation with a professional would be a great place to create a plan for you.

until then, let's look at some myths about how much we need to exercise

Let's start with fat loss. At Prevail, we understand Fat loss is high on the list for most students. Prevail looks at exercise through a much bigger lens. 

here's why

Increasing exercise frequency does not guarantee changes in the scale.

  If you go from zero days of exercise to 3 days, you will most likely lose weight IF you don't change anything else. That's a big IF. If you go from 3 days to 6 days, you may see another small change. However, is six days of exercise sustainable forever? 

Or, as we increase exercise, our hunger cues also increase, and we still have a net zero change in EI/EO.  

When we look at weight loss (fat loss), exercise only accounts for 10% of the total equation.  

On the plus side, Increasing exercise frequency may increase your awareness of nutrition and habits consistency. 

When we lift in the morning, we are more likely to make better nutrition changes throughout the day. So does exercising in the morning help us lose weight? Or does paying attention to nutrition help us lose weight? ........

Increasing exercise frequency will increase your overall health

The more often we move, the more often we improve our health scores. Bumping from 2 days to 2 days of lifting and three days of walking is moving toward better health. 

Increasing exercise intensity does not mean an increase in weight loss or health. For those that embody the western philosophy of "more is better," this can become a trap.  

We start chasing intensity because it makes us feel like doing something. It strokes our ego and smothers our Doubtfire. Veteran strength coaches have a saying 

"if you don't take a rest day, your body will take one for you."

This shows up in injury/sickness/burnout.

Intensity is essential; we should be cycling bouts and programs of varying intensities. 

it's still only 10% of the energy equation 

Managing EI and EO as an individual will result in a scale change when an individual is crazy consistent with taking notes on both sides of the equation. 

Exercise is not the driver of results; it's 1 part of the equation to maximize the results as long as nutrition/habits are in check

Exercise prescription will change the type of non-scale results tho

Exercise is essential, and having clear expectations and intentions as an individual is more important.

At Prevail, we use exercise to create a wide range of results.

-Decrease in pain

- increase in ability and capability

- increase in durability

- increase in muscle mass

- increase in strength

- increase in conditioning

- an increase of feel goodness ( science)

- increase in social culture and community

- "toning" 

- increase in function

oh yeah, decrease in body fat

So what do you want out of exercise? What do you want for the highest elevated self? These questions answer how often I should exercise.

The Prevail system is intentionally a 3-day week system. Three days that intentionally create strong/capable/durable adventure-ready humans. We then coach individuals on how and if they need more than 3.

As a reference - Prevail Instructors average 5-6 days of the movement. Cycling in 3-4 days of strength/muscle work and 2-3 days of easy/medium/hard conditioning and walking/hiking/play. 

jumpy shit is not a requirement for fitness

We want you to know there is more than one way to exercise.Jumpy shit is not a requirement for fitness.You don't have to do it alone at the Globo gym.You don't have to die in a pile of sweat at the Bootcamp.We do not hate what you currently do; if you love those things, great.We are educating everyone else. There is another option.we want everyone to exerciseIf someone wants to talk shit about getups, that's fine. It's their opinion.We used to teach Bootcamp workouts; it always felt wrong because that's not what we would recommend for myself or any of our training clients.That's why we evolved.That's why we lost almost all our clients seven years ago. They wanted excessive workouts, but we knew better.we knew that was not the best optionThat's why we created the system and brand that is Prevail Strength.It's built from top-down to be different, and the space in betweenIt's built for humans who want to be more than "skinny."Built for dope ass humans who care about- Durability
- Sustainability
- Balance
- Functional Strength
- Smart conditioning
- Getting in shape without the excess intensity or cardio-based workouts
- Wants to learn how to lift and move, properlyNow we help people crush all their goals.- Hiking mountains
- keep up with their kids
- loving workouts
- gaining muscle
- become more mobile
- and yes, losing weight, we still do that.Do you know what else we stopped teaching?The burpee, seven years burpee sober.It's the icon of intensity.We had to force ourselves to create a better system without it.all our current students are now benefitingDo you feel like you need to start working out but haven't found the thing that matches you?We are the solutionWe would love to show you the studio and explain how we can help you crush your goals.

Sean ShearonComment
After 22 years in nutrition ,here are 22 truths

After 22 years of diet research/review here is Prevail's Nutrition Philosophy #21 is a game changer

1. There are no good or bad foods

2. Eat a salad every day.

3. Exercise is not punishment for food

4. You never have to remove food unless it causes inflammation

5. Cheat meals aren't a thing

6. You do not have to drink a gallon of water a day; you do need water every day

7. Supplements are fine as long as they aren't Herbalife.

8. You don't have to count calories unless you like to.

9, All that matters for weight loss are CICO.

10. Food is not a reward for exercise

11. Food timing is entirely up to the individual. It doesn't matter.

12. Elimination diets are great if you are trying to learn about inflammatory foods

13. Diet teas/detoxes are bullshit

14. you do not have to meal prep unless you like to

15. Carbs aren't bad

16. Fat isn't bad

17. You can't eat too much protein

18. Six week challenges create more harm than good

19. You don't have to give up booze/soda

20. body type diets are bullshit, blood type diets are bullshit.

21. it's never appropriate to make a comment about how/what someone else is eating.

Which one do you agree with the most? Which one do you disagree with?


if you know this would help others, feel free to s h a r e

Grand Canyon Proposal

Day 3 " Our engagement story, What are those floating green eyes?"

Yesterday I mentioned our last trip to the Grand Canyon (2016). Today I am going to do some storytelling. The rim to rim adventure + how I asked Danielle to marry me.

I can't say what made us decide to do the rim to rim challenge, btw we will reference it as "R2R" from now on. I know why we wanted to do it but I can't remember how it got brought up. No real reason other than, that it was there to do.

What is R2R? Rim to rim is one of those weird bucket list items for endurance/hiking people. The challenge is to travel from one rim of the Grand Canyon to the opposite rim. Either north to south or south to north. Plenty of people make the hike in segments or sleep at one of several campgrounds at the bottom.

However, the real fun is completing the 24 miles in a straight shot. The is also 10,000 feet elevation change. Not an easy task.

In 2008 I accomplished "r2r" with my grandpa and his 2 brothers. We had no clue what we're doing,lol. we did it but good grief was it a long day. What I will never forget is having that experience with them. The Canyon and r2r have a weird way of engraving themselves into your memory banks. The beauty, the size, the sweat and pain, the smiles, the accomplishment, all become a perfect storm. The pieces in combination become exponential. The best part is that know you and these humans have a shared experience. you can't fake that, you can barely replicate it.

I wanted that for Danielle, I wanted that for us. Something that could never be taken away. It was also a test.

Not a test of her athletic ability but I was testing the waters. I knew she was strong-willed ( good grief have I learned that ). We had already completed a couple marathons ( with little to no training). So I knew she had it in her. The test was more about how will she react to the idea, how will she respond when things are difficult.

When we first started making plans for the adventure, engagement at the canyon was not the goal. I knew we had a good thing, this was months away from the hike. As we got closer and closer I started thinking about how and when I would ask her. Every training ruck and hike, I would think " yep the Canyon is the place"

I knew the emotions that the Grand Canyon can produce, I know the emotions of challenge. I wanted to magnify the proposal with those emotions. plus, everyone loves a good proposal story. You want something you are proud of re telling.

So, I knew where to ask but didn't know when or how.

I waited until 4 days out to ask her parents. I snuck up to Tulsa on a Tuesday and invited them to lunch. Right, They obviously knew what was happening. Another moment I knew where it was going to happen but no clue how or when, lol. About 5:00 into small talk, her mom looked right at me. " well, What are we doing here?" she wasn't messing around. I still to this do have no clue what I said but they gave their permission.

Parents are on board , check

proposal location , kinda check

ring ........

I knew Danille well enough to know that me picking a ring would be a disaster. Not that I don't have good taste, Danielle is .... picky. Not in a bratty way, she has a process. I respect that. I knew the best way to get her a ring is to be with her.

I racked my brain and what ring to use? I have to have something. After walking around too many jewerly stores and hobby lobby, I chose a gold string. This would be something I could keep in my pocket and she would never expect.

Ok , here we go. I have most the pieces.

Let's do this.

We flew into Vegas, picked up a car, drove to the north rim. We had made a decision to hike the canyon through the night. I had read that the canyon under full moonlight was a very unique experience. To be at the bottom under full moon light is rare.

What that meant was we would start the hike at 4pm and had to be out the other side by 8am the next day to make our shuttle. No big deal we won't need 16 hours.......

At this point my first goal was to take a small detour at mile 8 to look at a waterfall. As we are hiking down , taking our time, taking pictures, we start to realize that sunset at the top of the canyon is not sunset in the canyon. We start running down the canyon. we have about 25lb packs and we crush a couple miles. We will not make the waterfalls. It's already dark in the bottom.

guess what kids?

That was my plan!

I was going to ask her at the waterfalls. It's pitch black! even if we could find the falls, we certainly wouldn't get to see them. This whole time I am freaking out.

Well, shit now what do I do?

We continue to take a nice easy walking pace, headlamps on.

Now, what they don't tell you about full moonlight is that several miles of the canyon ARE IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOONLIGHT!

Do you have any clue how dark that is? it's so dark you can't see your hands in front of your face. The other cool benefit is that the animals have glowing green/blue/gold eyes. But all you can see is their eyes!

Was that a squirrel, a deer , a bobcat, an alien? Who knows?!

We press on

We get to the Bottom of the canyon, it's roughly 1 am. For the last 6 hours I have been racking my brain on when and how I will bust out this bad ass gold string.

" The river!, the colarodo river under full moonlight. That will be epic!"

Let's just say that 14 miles of hiking in the dark doesn't put you in the best of moods, lol. We tried some night photography but it was not working. I knew the GoPro wouldn't get any thing either. could have been me being a wimp too. "No Balls! Sean!"

Ok , Sean what are you going to do now?

I have no clue

The last several miles of R2R are the worst.

The last 4 miles of trail are also 4,000 ft of elevation. It's also now approaching 4am. I will say that right before the climb. The sound and view of the canyon walls under full moon light are amazing.

It's a completely different planet. All the reds and browns are shades of grey. The shadows play tricks on your eyes, the Colorado rushes by but it's all you hear. I have never been the moon but I can imagine this is what it's like.

An image I can see clearly in my mind right now.

We start climbing and it sucks! You go about 4 steps before you stop and let your heart rate go down.

I don't know if you know this but the canyon is a giant hole in a mountain. the river is 2000ft elevation and the rim is 6000ft.

Our packs have way too much shit in them. extra layers, camera equipment, and the necessities like snacks and champagne. not kidding.

This is an oddly fun stage of a hike. All you have left is to laugh and enjoy the pain. We grudge along watching cheery bright-eyed hikers pass us as the head down.

Guestions like " when did yall start"

"Yesterday" lol

We trudge along, devouring whatever food we have left. stopping to look at each other in awe that we are


the whole damn thing!

Now my window of oppurtintiy is shrinking fast. my last resort is at the trailhead as soon as we crest the rim.

come on Sean, get your shit together.

we get right to the rim , first thing Danielle wants to do is find the best picture spot.

"Ok, trailhead won't work "

we find a spot to watch sunrise, there are people everywhere. This does not help my nerves. I set up the go pro to "timelapse the sunrise"

well that's what I tell her anyways

I get down on one knee.

It's freezing, we are exhausted. 14 hours of hiking. Champs is open. Oreo cookies are flowing.

"Better get this done Sean"

I start word vomiting. I'm stumbling all over myself.

Danielle has no clue what's happening or what I'm doing down on the ground.

I grab her hand, pull out my fancy gold colored string and ask her to share adventures with me forever.

The strangers clap , the champagne is now even more important.

We smile, Hug, kiss and huddle underneath an emergency cold blanket.

It's a very surreal 4-hour shuttle back to the north rim.

We go back to that same canyon in 3 weeks. I can't wait to see that sunrise again in the same very spot.

Danielle still has that same very string

1550 words - 90 minutes of writing- please if you read this far, drop a comment below.

Sean ShearonComment
Anchoring anxiety into productivity

I, like you, feel pretty unfocused and have a million thoughts running through my brain dome.

I usually suppress that by a non-healthy dose of scrolling, Netflix binging, or Youtube.

you know, regular high function anxiety

A whirlwind of thoughts but yet never taking any action. Too many things to choose from, so we choose none of them.

Do you feel me?

This anxiety is not new, but right now, it seems to be pretty intense.

Whenever I get this way, I try to look for alignment and actionable.

I look for tunnel vision. Focus on one thing and let everything settle around it. At minimum, at least one thing gets accomplished.

I look for something that is a challenge. If it's something easy, I know I will half-ass it.

The challenge also needs to be something of value. Setting a record of watching NetFlix every day isn't going to produce anything.

For me, my challenge is writing. I have a long-term goal of writing a book. Yet, I need to sharpen my skills.

I also want to improve my storytelling.

My own story

My student's story

My Business's story.

Writing has never been natural for me. Years ago, I would say, " I am a horrible writer."

That was an excuse

What I am not great at is practicing. Practicing the things I suck at doing.

So, My daily challenge is to write at least 500 words a day. Not an easy task. I have to remove the ridiculous expectation of perfect.

I have to remove the idea of making a point or lesson. I need to show up.

Is it that easy, right?

We always preach to students.

" eat a salad " " go for a walk" "

but for us, that is easy

Writing is not easy, and that's the point.

500 words by the end of every day

Here is where I need your help

I need 30 topics.

I need you to be critical in the review

Throw out anything you would like me to write about or that you would like to learn. The topics don't have to be strength and fitness. They can be quite anything.

I would appreciate it.

NOW! How can you take this same recipe and apply it to your health?

Here is what the Prevail Instructors think would be great for you and your health.

Pick a challenge and create a path.

100 swings ( Any combination)

10:00 of resets ( we will have videos)

20:00 of walking ( #optoutside but mall walking is still great)

You can choose one or a combo of all three. The goal is to do any challenge daily, no matter what.

If you would like to join our group. If you need accountability and support, let me know below by throwing out your favorite emoji!

Btw, I hacked day one by making this post 500 words. Kidding, it's 450.

So, eat your damn veggies and go for an easy walk

Sean ShearonComment
A Marines lesson in FAKE motivation

"False motivation is better than no motivation."

Here is another beautiful lesson from my beloved Marine Corps.

Today we are going to talk about "motivation."

recently had a student ask

"any tips or tricks to prioritizing yourself and goals, ways to show up for yourself and accomplish what you want?"

we also hear things like

"I am just not motivated" or "How do I stay motivated."

Motivation is very temporary and never lasts. It's true.

But Sean, how do these people stay motivated?

They don't; it's all bullshit.

The question to ask is

But Sean, how do these people hit their goals?

My answer; FEAR and Alignment

"Fake motivation is better than no motivation," you know why? We were rarely motivated in the Marines. At least not the motivation you see on tv. We had Fear to encourage us.

Fear of getting in trouble

Fear of failing

Fear of losing

Fear of letting your brother or sister down

We aligned ourselves for mission accomplishment.

We aligned in camaraderie.

Alignment in respect for leadership, for each other.

Alignment for time off or fewer duties. You will get motivated for a head start on the weekend.

Work hard, party harder.

How can we take Marine corp motivation and use it for it our advantage?

We start with being honest about our goals.

How important is that goal?

How bad does failing feel?

What do we fear if we don't hit that goal?

Are we in alignment with our goal?

I will use this picture as an example.

Today we did 1,000 step-ups. Yep, that's roughly 1/2 mile stairs. We were not excited to do this workout. Step-ups were plan B.

Plan A was to run up Mt. Scott, 2.5 miles and 1000ft elevation gain.

If we didn't have a specific goal, there's no way I would have moved to plan B or spend 90 minutes walking up and down a step.

Do you know what my Fear is?

When we go hike the Grand Canyon in 3 weeks.

My Fear is that I won't be able to complete the hike. I fear feeling like complete shit during and after the walk. My Fear is that I will let Danielle down.

I align myself to those fears with a plan and a backup plan.

Was I motivated?

When I woke up this morning, I had a horrible headache. The Grand Canyon doesn't give a shit about my headache. The weather was shit; my body ached, I was not excited to train. Do you know who won't care about that? The Grand Canyon ( nor will Danielle)

Suppose I had 1000 step-ups planned as a workout but with no end goal. I would have done something else.

This is where you need to have a hard truth conversation. Why do you have that goal? Do you fear that goal? better yet

Do you fear failing that goal?

If you don't fear the outcome, you won't find alignment.

" I want to work out for my health!" Then when it comes to showing up, you make excuses. You don't care about your health. You don't fear that outcome.

It's not real enough.

You haven't had the tough conversations about why your goals are essential.

You don't care enough.

I don't want to discourage you; I want to challenge your thought process.

The last "key" to motivation is support. We need someone to help us set the appropriate gaol. We need to have a challenging conversation about our fears and creating alignment and the tools to support that alignment.

Then when motivation is low, which is inevitable. You can rely on your support system to keep you aligned.

Does this resonate with you? Is the truth you need to hear?

p.s for those exercise dorks out there, here is our workout. We did:45 on and:45 off for 65 rounds at about a 6 RPE. Our Grand Canyon hike will be roughly 26 miles with a 10,000 ft elevation change.

p.s.s If you need someone to follow that dishes out "motivation," start following David Goggins

Day 2 word count 642

Pic is from our first r2r after hiking 24 miles through the night, she passed the test , so I asked her to do crazy shit forever

Sean ShearonComment